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File Shares after migration

I am working on a domain migration. Migrating a domain from one forest into its own stand along domain/forest.

We are using the tool Quest Migration Manager for Active Directory.

Old domain: Forest/Domain functional level 2012 R2

New domain: Forest/Domain funtional level 2016

2 way external non-transitive trust in place.

SID history enabled, SID filtering disabled

All users have been migrated over (accounts kept active in old domain for now)

All security groups have been migrated and populated with the equivalent user accounts

All servers are forunately virtualized (VMWare if it matters), so we can roll back any issues.

3 DCs on each side, they can all speak to each other

This is my third server I am migrating to the new domain. We are still in the "test" phase and there is no lab to test with so, we are forced to test in production. The other two servers have both worked (one 2008r2 the other 2012 R2) with no issue. This server, however, is giving me plenty of lip.

After migrating this file server, the file shares are not being cooperative. Using my "old" credentials which are "old" domain Domain Admin, I can access the shares (NTFS and share permissions explicitly allowed) as was originally designed. using my "new" domain credentials ("new" domain Domain Admin) I cannot access the share. I have verified that the "new" Domain Admins security group is set on both the share and NTFS permissions.

I have also ensured that both domains Domain Admin security groups are listed in the local "Administrators" security group on this server. No Anti-Virus is currently on this server (had to remove it for the migration). The migration reported no issues. errors, or warnings.

Any ideas?

Asking this here as well as on MS forums

  • Are you able to log into this host using the new domain credentials?  i.e. are you sure that it has correctly / fully joined the new domain?  Did you reboot this host after the domain membership change?

  • Are you able to log into this host using the new domain credentials?  i.e. are you sure that it has correctly / fully joined the new domain?  Did you reboot this host after the domain membership change?

  • Yes. I can log into the server with either set of creds (I intentionally chose not to disable my old user account). Server has been rebooted twice since migrating. As for it fully joining the new domain, it created a computer account for it where I specified. Data is getting updated for it in the extended attributes, and after reboots it defaults to the new domain. Not sure how much more it could join a domain.