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Is it possible to exclude a single List or Library from a backup?

​We have a single list that contains 41,000 items.  The Metalogix Essentials application falls over (even with 20GB of memory allocated), as it runs out of memory and the Java Virtual Machines keels over, complaining about garbage collection.  Why this happens, I do not know (I suspect the application is trying to load the entire list into memory).


The easiest thing to do would be to say "exclude list X", in the same way you can exclude a site.


Is this possible?


Thank you.

  • In response to the best answer selection:




    To confirm, support showed that there was a workaround to do this, which involves placing the URL to the list in a file and providing that as a filter.


    There is a feature request in to make this easier to do.

  • In response to the best answer selection:




    To confirm, support showed that there was a workaround to do this, which involves placing the URL to the list in a file and providing that as a filter.


    There is a feature request in to make this easier to do.

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