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Metavis through Powershell

We are trying to execute the below command in windows power shell for downloading the documents from SharePoint online document library to SharedFolder and we are getting the error as the "Claims authentication failed using NTLM/Forms/ADFS 2.0 methods

at com.metavistech.connector.utils.StandardClaimsBasedWebAuthenticator.authenticateAutodetect(StandardClaimsBasedWebAuthent" Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:


Command is -   & "$MetaVisPath\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar $MetaVisPath\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.100.v20080509-1800.jar -cmd copyContentToFileSystem -srcuser $User -srcepass $Pwd -srcsite $Srcsite -srclist $SrcList -charset "windows-1251" -numCopiedVersion "-1" -trgtfolder $TrgtFolder -log $Log -noSplash


Can you please help us?

Please see the below screen shot.

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