• Migration of a webpart with the filter on the group that has to see it

    Hi, I have in a sharepoint 2007 site a page that contains 2 standard webparts that display lists, and 2 custom webpart.

    All these webpart, on sharepoint 2007 have in advanced settings the visualization on a specific group. With the migration, the webpart…

  • SharePoint Local NAV - Hidden Navigation Settings not Migrating?

    I am migrating from BLANKINTERNET#0 to a precreated ​BLANKINTERNET#0 (Publishing site). I am precreating my target site and doign a Copy Site>Paste Site Content-All Site Content. On the target my local navigration is showing four more links that on the…

  • SharePoint Pages landing checked out

    We are running a migration ​of our intranet tothe cloud. some of our pages are landing checked out and it's obvious that it is because a couple of the required fields from our content type are not filled out on the source and consequently landing checked…

  • How can I resume a paused migration job from the console?

    How can I resume a paused migration job from the console?
  • Does content matrix connect to Wikispaces to migrate content to SharePoint Online? https://www.wikispaces.com/

    Does content matrix connect to Wikispaces to migrate content to SharePoint Online? https://www.wikispaces.com/
  • Hoe can I connect my on-prem Content Matrix tool to cloud based MSDN SharePoint apps?

    Hoe can I connect my on-prem Content Matrix tool to cloud based MSDN SharePoint apps?
  • We are unable to migrate (full migration) list item attachments from SP 2007 to SP 2013.

    We are unable to migrate (full migration) list item attachments from SP 2007 to SP 2013.
  • We are trying to copy different lists and libraries from different sharepointsites to other sharepointsites. We are getting multiple failures and we have no idea why this is.

    We are trying to copy different lists and libraries from different sharepointsites to other sharepointsites. We are getting multiple failures and we have no idea why this is.
  • Why do I have write access error upon starting Content Matrix after install

    Why do I have write access error upon starting Content Matrix after install
  • Not seeing "Defer Required Fields" setting in latest version of content matrix.

    We have just installed the latest versions of content matrix installed which is 8.7.0003 as I understand it. We have upgraded the client piece ​also. We had been running transforms provided by MetaLogix to make required field not required then make the…

  • Unable to find SharePoint connection...

    I have downloaded and installed the new version of Content Matrix and I am wanting to start a new project however I cannot seem to get this connected to our servers. (I think the server side software may be too old)

    Could you advise the best course of…

  • what should my Metalogix.Explorer, Version be in XML for

    I upgraded my content matrix version from on SharePoint 2010 to on SharePoint 2013 Now my transformation has the wrong version in it. Not a big deal to fix. But it also has an XML element for Metalogix.Explorer, Version= What should that…

  • Hi, I migrated documents from a document library Document. The files are copied but are extracted from the user with whom the migration is done. How can this be done that does not happen?

    Hi, I migrated documents from a document library Document to Document. The files are copied but are extracted from the user with whom the migration is done.

    How can this be done that does not happen? Under the error:


    Error: AddDocument - No ObjectXml …

  • I need more information on enabling Database writing for Workflow migration


    I need more information on enabling Database writing.

    What you need to do to activate Database writing for Workflow migration ?




  • Question

    When we do content migration alone in for list items (from "Items View") where Structure was migrated earlier as separate job, the workflows configured to trigger when item are created are initiated post migration. Is this expected behavior when we do…

  • Question

    The migration of list is from SharePoint Online MT environment to another SharePoint Online environment

  • Question

    I have read and understood the KB artice Troubleshooting web part migration issues


  • Is there a way to migrate Microfeed list (site feed) from On Premise SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint online using content matrix?

    Is there a way to migrate Microfeed list (site feed) from On Premise SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint online using content matrix?
  • PowerShell Migration Error: The source of the copy is null, please initialize a proper source node.

    ​We are migrating many hundreds of intranet sates to SharePoint Online. We have found that we need an initial Master Page Gallery migration followed by a full content migration for each site. We are now a the point where we wish to script the migration…

  • Issues faced during the migration from Fileshare to OneDrive. In some cases folder and file creation and modified dates are not correct. Moreover, some unnecessary folders are being created .

    Issues faced during the migration from Fileshare to OneDrive. In some cases folder and file creation and modified dates are not correct. Moreover, some unnecessary folders are being created .
  • We started the migration and I am struggling with the following failed. First, we copied the structure , in a 2nd run I copy the content and sent this error and the structure has gone.

    ​Excpetion: Addweb- NoObjectXML [The template [200708218] foes not exist in the target server. Please install this template on the targer machine.

  • DisableRequiredFields_SPItems_BeginTransformation_V2 & DisableRequiredFields_SPItems_EndTransformation_V2 Transform Question

    ​We have been using these in one set of migrations where we migrate individual sites. If required field errors are generated we run an incremental using these transforms as needed. Our next migration is big bang and will involve 255 sites. We won't have…

  • When you migrate a site collection to from SharePoint on Prem to SharePoint Online is there a way to put the SharePoint on Prem site in read only mode.

    When you migrate a site collection to from SharePoint on Prem to SharePoint Online is there a way to put the SharePoint on Prem site in read only mode.
  • Can we migrate a sub site from 2010 share point version to 2007 share point version using metalogix tool? if so whats the issue?

    Can we migrate a sub site from 2010 share point version to 2007 share point version using metalogix tool? if so whats the issue?
  • How could I get the Enterprise Manager in version 7.4 ? Since some months, we migrated to that version but my installed Enterprise Manager on my Windows 10 is still with ver. 7.3. And it doesn't work. Thanks Farouq Maalidji

    How could I get the Enterprise Manager in version 7.4 ? Since some months, we migrated to that version but my installed Enterprise Manager on my Windows 10 is still with ver. 7.3. And it doesn't work. Thanks Farouq Maalidji