Catch same job logs displayed in Metalogix Content Matrix UI from powershell script


I would like to ask if its possible to also catch from powershell script the same job logs viewed from the Metalogix Content Matrix UI everytime we completed a script run. Please advise. Thanks.


- Bryan

  • Hi,

    Just want to followup on this query. We would just like to know if its possible that when we trigger job in powershell, the same job logs (as like in the Metalogix UI display) would be also visible in powershell script run, meaning it will also show the realtime job logs in powershell. Is there a powershell script command that can do this? Please advise. Thanks

    - Regards,


  • Hello Bryan,

    If you use Powershell ISE you may be able to see the process that is running at that moment but the logs will not be in real time.

    If configured correctly you can review in the Job Log in the Content Matrix UI after it is completed

    Best Regards

    Wes Samson

  • Hello Bryan,

    If you use Powershell ISE you may be able to see the process that is running at that moment but the logs will not be in real time.

    If configured correctly you can review in the Job Log in the Content Matrix UI after it is completed

    Best Regards

    Wes Samson

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