Error while copying navigation from SPOnline site source to SPOnline site destination

Error message:

Error: Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.
Stack: at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequest.ProcessResponseStream(Stream responseStream)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequest.ProcessResponse()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.ExecuteQuery()
at Metalogix.SharePoint.Adapters.CSOM2013.ClientContextExtension.ExecuteQueryWithIncrementalRetry(ClientRuntimeContext context, Int32 retryCount, Dictionary`2 privateData, Int32 delay)
at Metalogix.SharePoint.Adapters.CSOM2013.CSOMAdapter.CallExecuteQuery(ClientRuntimeContext ctx, SharePointAdapter callingAdapter)
at Metalogix.SharePoint.Adapters.CSOM2013.CSOMAdapter.ModifyWebNavigationSettings(String sWebXML, ModifyNavigationOptions ModNavOptions)
at Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteNavigationAction.CopyNavigationAtCurrentLevel(SPWeb sourceWeb, SPWeb targetWeb, Boolean bSyncSettings)

Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerUnauthorizedAccessException


Just want to ask help regarding above error i've faced while running a copy navigation job in metalogix content matrix. I wonder why it happened considering i set myself as site collection admin and site owner on both source and target O365 sites. Please advise what causes this issue. Appreciate your help on this.

- Bryan

  • I have seen this error usually if the migration account not a Site Collection Admin, as you 100% sure the migration accounts are site collection Admins on both source and target? Not just site Owners or full control.

    If so I, are you trying to migrate a from a Classic O365 Site to a Modern O365 site by chance?

    As I have seen this error if they did not have a specific error if the AddandCustomizePages permission level on the site collection in Office 365 is disabled.

    You can enabled with the resolution of the below KB, the error is very similar but for a different issue but due to the above.