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Failed document and folder migration between site collection document libraries

Dear Support,


We have document libraries in different site collections and we would need to move documents between them. (preserving the version history and user names)

We encountered the problem that not all documents were moved. We got some exceptions. (please see the attachments)

These documents were not checked out and not locked.


Document libraries settings:

  • Content Approval: No
  • Versioning: Create major versions
  • Require documents to be checked out: No


Could you please help us how can we solve these exceptions?


Content Matrix version number:


Many thanks for your kind help.


Kind regards,

Zoltan Ivan

​evosoft Hungary

  • Hi Zoltan,


    The "The user does not exist or is not unique" error message normally occurs when a user account has permission or being used as a metadata on an item/document, but it doesn't exist anymore on the Active Directory or their permission over the site has been removed. It can be resolved

    by ensuring that users exist on both source and target Active Directory, enabling the "Map missing users to" option or through Global User Mapping. For additional information, please refer to the link below:









  • Hi Zoltan,


    The "The user does not exist or is not unique" error message normally occurs when a user account has permission or being used as a metadata on an item/document, but it doesn't exist anymore on the Active Directory or their permission over the site has been removed. It can be resolved

    by ensuring that users exist on both source and target Active Directory, enabling the "Map missing users to" option or through Global User Mapping. For additional information, please refer to the link below:









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