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how do I disable and re-enable required settings for list fields

If my target has required fields which do not have values in source, looks like content matrix is throwing an exception. I'm currently writing a ps script to make these fields optional before migration. Is there a transformation to automate this ?

  • Hi Jashwanth,


    This issue occurs when a column is not required on the source list/library, but gets created as a required field on the target environment.


    Perform any of the following options:

    • Download and use the custom transformer script(See attached file), which disables and re-enables the "Required" column setting during and after migration, respectively.
    • Make sure there are no required fields on the target list/library prior to migration by doing the steps below:


    1.Open the list/library on both source and target environments.

    2.Click the List/Library Settings button and compare the columns on both environments.

    3.Click the column name that is marked as "Required" on the target list/library.


    4.On the Additional Column Settings section > Require that this column contains information option, select "No" and click OK.


    5.Open the Content Matrix Console and run the migration again.






  • Hi Jashwanth,


    This issue occurs when a column is not required on the source list/library, but gets created as a required field on the target environment.


    Perform any of the following options:

    • Download and use the custom transformer script(See attached file), which disables and re-enables the "Required" column setting during and after migration, respectively.
    • Make sure there are no required fields on the target list/library prior to migration by doing the steps below:


    1.Open the list/library on both source and target environments.

    2.Click the List/Library Settings button and compare the columns on both environments.

    3.Click the column name that is marked as "Required" on the target list/library.


    4.On the Additional Column Settings section > Require that this column contains information option, select "No" and click OK.


    5.Open the Content Matrix Console and run the migration again.






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