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Speed of copy from SP2007 to SPO is too slow

We just copied about 350MB of content from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint Online and it took about 1.5 hours.

I read about ​the SharePoint Migration API here:

Is my understanding this is part of the product. Where is the "new option within the user interface". We have Content Matrix v.

Unsuported: .aspx - does this mean custom views do not come over. They are aspx files.


Thank you

Jose Taboada

NYC Dept. of Education

  • ​I did this for a project server migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint online. Run this script first to get your users and append the claims ID. After which run the script about with this as the input file.


    ## create import.txt "copy screen contents to import.txt file with select all remove bottom line"

    ##before running Metalogix Script posted first get your users from AD and append claims, rename this file from .txt to .csv without opening it.


    Get-Module ActiveDirectory


    $searchOU = 'OU=Project Server,OU=SharePoint,OU=All Groups,DC=dhs,DC=sdc,DC=pvt'

    $user = @()

    $baddata = @()

    $data = @()

    $users = get-adgroup -Filter 'GroupCategory -eq "Security"' -SearchBase $searchOU | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive

    Function Remove-File {

    if(Test-Path -Path "C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt")

    {Remove-Item "C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt"}




    foreach($user in $users)


    If($ -notlike "OR*" -and $ -notlike "P*" -and $ -notlike"xts*")

    {[array]$baddata += $}

    $user.Name | Out-File -Append C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt

    [array]$data = Get-Content C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt


    $cleandata = $data | Where {$baddata -NotContains $_}

    ###########################Remove Test Users or any other errors in source file. The original import.txt should only have P# OR# and XTS# Numbers.

    ## now you have your source file create import file for MLS creation.


    foreach($user in $cleandata)


    ## Concantenate values. for a properly formated Import.txt file. You will rename this to Import.csv on the server to create the MLS XML package using PS_GenerateUserMappingMlsFromCSV_Working_v2 in the

    $U = get-aduser $user -Properties SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName

    "dhs\" + $u.SamAccountName + "," +"i:0#.f|membership|" + $u.UserPrincipalName | Out-File -Append C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt






  • ​I did this for a project server migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint online. Run this script first to get your users and append the claims ID. After which run the script about with this as the input file.


    ## create import.txt "copy screen contents to import.txt file with select all remove bottom line"

    ##before running Metalogix Script posted first get your users from AD and append claims, rename this file from .txt to .csv without opening it.


    Get-Module ActiveDirectory


    $searchOU = 'OU=Project Server,OU=SharePoint,OU=All Groups,DC=dhs,DC=sdc,DC=pvt'

    $user = @()

    $baddata = @()

    $data = @()

    $users = get-adgroup -Filter 'GroupCategory -eq "Security"' -SearchBase $searchOU | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive

    Function Remove-File {

    if(Test-Path -Path "C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt")

    {Remove-Item "C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt"}




    foreach($user in $users)


    If($ -notlike "OR*" -and $ -notlike "P*" -and $ -notlike"xts*")

    {[array]$baddata += $}

    $user.Name | Out-File -Append C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt

    [array]$data = Get-Content C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt


    $cleandata = $data | Where {$baddata -NotContains $_}

    ###########################Remove Test Users or any other errors in source file. The original import.txt should only have P# OR# and XTS# Numbers.

    ## now you have your source file create import file for MLS creation.


    foreach($user in $cleandata)


    ## Concantenate values. for a properly formated Import.txt file. You will rename this to Import.csv on the server to create the MLS XML package using PS_GenerateUserMappingMlsFromCSV_Working_v2 in the

    $U = get-aduser $user -Properties SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName

    "dhs\" + $u.SamAccountName + "," +"i:0#.f|membership|" + $u.UserPrincipalName | Out-File -Append C:\Users\or0213535\Desktop\ProjectServerWorkingfolder\import.txt






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