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We recently uninstalled Content Matrix, but we are continuing to receive MetaLogix Content Matrix License Alerts Here is a sample: "Used data reached the allowed: Used=606,006,527,996 Bytes; Allowed=115,000,000,000 Bytes". How can we disable thes

We recently uninstalled Content Matrix, but we are continuing to receive MetaLogix Content Matrix License Alerts Here is a sample: "Used data reached the allowed: Used=606,006,527,996 Bytes; Allowed=115,000,000,000 Bytes". How can we disable these alerts?
  • Hi Bryant,


    Aside from the Content Matrix console, please make sure that you have also uninstalled either Content Matrix Organizer or License Check in the environment.





  • As far as I can tell there aren't any Metalogix components left on the farm. Do you happen to have a list of places that I can check?

  • Hi Bryant,


    Please make sure that either Content Matrix Organizer (metalogix.fluent.wsp) or License Check (metalogix.licensecheck.wsp) is listed in the following:


    • Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features
    • Central Administration > System Settings > Farm Management > Manage farm solutions
    • Installation path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Metalogix for 64-bit systems or C:\Program Files\Metalogix for 32-bit systems


    You may also check if there are remaining DLL files in the C:\Windows\assembly folder.





  • Thank you Cyrus,


    * nothing in Program and Features

    * nothing in farm solutions

    * nothing in Program Files


    I did find a bunch of Metalogix dlls in C:\Windows\assembly. What is the best way to remove these?




  • Hi Bryant,


    You may right-click on the DLL file and select Uninstall.



