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Metologix content Matrix tool throwing issues during SharePoint Migration from SP2010 to SP2016

Please find below issues, which we are facing and we need your quick support please.


1.      Kindly find the attached log file for one of the site collections, which size is 277.4MB and this has taken 10.31 hours to complete the migration(Screenshot 1).

2.      Before this job, we were able to migrate 1.1GB site collection in 1.24 hours on the same network and servers. But, we were not able to download the log file, getting below error(Screenshot 2).

3.      For migrated site collection, we are missing few configurations like list hidden views which are hidden in source server, but this same settings are not coming to new environment (Screenshot 3).

4.      For migrated site collection, we are missing list indexes in target site collection.

5.      While migrating the site collections the jobs are not getting generated, due to this we are not getting any log files to download and verify the issues (Screenshot 4).

6.      Getting license related alert, need you suggestion before it expires (Screenshot 5)

7.      Some of the sites homepage web parts and welcome text/images are missing

8.      New form/Edit for all the Lists has the following issues:

a.      Some of the Required fields are missing.

b.      Site columns missing and not appearing in the new/edit form while it’s there in the list settings

9.      Taxonomy term store is not getting migrated, please refer the attached log file.



Your prompt reply is really appreciated as we got escalated from the customer and we can’t give accurate migration plan .



Screenshot 1 :




Screenshot2 :





Screenshot 3 :



Screenshot 4 :























Screenshot 5 :
















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