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Content Matrix Issue - Default Value settings for fields in target site

Hi, We're migrating documents from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online using Content Matrix Console - We have an issue with default value for a field in target site. Below are the details:


In Target Site we have managed metadata field 'Countries' and we have set default value to 'United States'.


In Source Site we have similar managed metadata field 'Countries'.


Using Content Matrix console, we're mapping these two fields. Now the expectation is:

  1. If there is no value for countries in source, target should pick the default value i.e. 'United States'
  2. If there is a value for countries in source, target should get these values post migration.


Not sure if this scenario is buildin, if not, can you please suggest a transformation.


Thank you for your time.




  • Hi Jashwanth,


    I apologize for the delayed response as I wanted to reproduce the scenario and provide you with a working recommendation.


    Please do the following:


    1. On the Managed Metadata Options tab, enable the "Resolve managed metadata by name and hierarchy" and "Copy referenced managed metadata" options.

    2. Enable the "Map term stores for migration" also, then map the term stores of the source and target environments.

    3. On the Mapping Options tab, enable the "Map list item data to different columns" option, then map the Countries column of the source and target environments.

    4. On the Transformations tab, select SharePoint Items on the Available Definitions section.

    5. Click Add Transformer and select Invoke PowerShell script.

    6. On the Transform tab, select "Use Configured Script" and paste the following:


    if($dataObject["Countries"] -eq "")


      $dataObject["Countries"] = "<LABEL>|<GUID>" 



    where <LABEL> and <GUID> represent the default value on the target environment.


    I hope this helps.





  • Hi Jashwanth,


    I apologize for the delayed response as I wanted to reproduce the scenario and provide you with a working recommendation.


    Please do the following:


    1. On the Managed Metadata Options tab, enable the "Resolve managed metadata by name and hierarchy" and "Copy referenced managed metadata" options.

    2. Enable the "Map term stores for migration" also, then map the term stores of the source and target environments.

    3. On the Mapping Options tab, enable the "Map list item data to different columns" option, then map the Countries column of the source and target environments.

    4. On the Transformations tab, select SharePoint Items on the Available Definitions section.

    5. Click Add Transformer and select Invoke PowerShell script.

    6. On the Transform tab, select "Use Configured Script" and paste the following:


    if($dataObject["Countries"] -eq "")


      $dataObject["Countries"] = "<LABEL>|<GUID>" 



    where <LABEL> and <GUID> represent the default value on the target environment.


    I hope this helps.





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