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Hi, I migrated documents from a document library Document. The files are copied but are extracted from the user with whom the migration is done. How can this be done that does not happen?

Hi, I migrated documents from a document library Document to Document. The files are copied but are extracted from the user with whom the migration is done.

How can this be done that does not happen? Under the error:


Error: AddDocument - No ObjectXml [Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]

Stack:   at Metalogix.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.AddDocument(String sFolder, String sItemXML, AddDocumentOptions AddDocOptions, Byte[] fileContents, AddDocumentMode mode)

  at Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteListItemAction.CopyDocument(SPListItem sourceItem, SPFolder targetFolder, SPListItem existingItem, SPListItem& newItem, Boolean& bItemNewlyCreated, String& sSourceXml, LogItem copyOperationLogItem, SPListItemCollection targetItemCollection)

  at Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteListItemAction.CopyListItem(SPListItem sourceItem, Int32 iItemIndex, Nullable`1 iParentItemID, SPFolder targetFolder, SPListItemCollection sourceItems, SPListItemCollection& targetItems, Boolean bIsFolder, Boolean bPreservingItems, Boolean bIsNwsTarget, Boolean bIsCopyRoot, ListTemplateType targetListTemplate, Dictionary`2& itemIdMap, List`1 filteredFolders)


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Main catch

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Type: System.NullReferenceException

Stack:   at Metalogix.SharePoint.Adapters.OM.OMAdapter.CheckInFileByUser2013OrEarlier(SPFile file, String checkinComment, SPCheckinType checkinType, SPUser modifiedByUser)

  at Metalogix.SharePoint.Adapters.OM.OMAdapter.CheckInFileByUser(SPFile file, String checkinComment, SPCheckinType checkinType, SPUser modifiedByUser)

  at Metalogix.SharePoint.Adapters.OM.OMAdapter.UpdateDocumentData(SPWeb currentWeb, SPList list, SPFolder folder, SPFile file, XmlNode listItemXML, Byte[] fileContents, IUpdateDocumentOptions options, Boolean bAdding, Boolean isAssetLibraryVideo)

  at Metalogix.SharePoint.Adapters.OM.OMAdapter.AddDocument(String sListID, String sFolder, String sListItemXML, Byte[] fileContents, AddDocumentOptions options, SPFile& file)
