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DisableRequiredFields_SPItems_BeginTransformation_V2 & DisableRequiredFields_SPItems_EndTransformation_V2 Transform Question

​We have been using these in one set of migrations where we migrate individual sites. If required field errors are generated we run an incremental using these transforms as needed. Our next migration is big bang and will involve 255 sites. We won't have the luxury of evaluating logs and rerunning. In looking at errors involving these scripts we notice that they need to be configured at the item level which would be a performance killer. We want to be sure it needs to be this way, Logic says that it would be better to operate at the Lib level.


1.) Make lib ContentType all fields non-required

2.) Migrate lib contents

3.) Reset lib ContentType back to original state


We assume Yogi wrote it at the item level for a  reason but wanted to be sure we understood before proceeding.




  • Hi Bill,

    Will use this discussion from 2 weeks back. As we continue to test intranet migrations we are using the V8 versions of the scripts and have run into a new set of ?issues.

    We are getting many...

    Looking at the V8 script it seems that it changed from V2 as it doesn't work for ReadOnly Content Types. See code/comments excerpted from�your script�by our developer below.

    Our main ContentType is sealed and there may be others. We're thinking that this may be one of out main problems yet. Since the whole purpose of the script is to override mandatory fields why would we skip over sealed content types?

    If you agree that this may be causing the above issue what would you suggest? We assume going back to V2 is out of the question.

    Thanks for your help!



    From Script \/\/\/\/\/\/

    "I am looking at this script��DisableRequiredFields_SPItems_BeginTransformation_V8_Release.ps1�

    Looks like it�s filtering the read only content types .. it�s also mentioned in the comments � see highlighted

    # Date: 2017-07-13 -- Skip ReadOnly Content Types




    �������if(($hash.contains($ -or ($xmlDoc.ContentType.ReadOnly -eq "True"))


    ���������# do nothing




  • Hi Bill,

    Will use this discussion from 2 weeks back. As we continue to test intranet migrations we are using the V8 versions of the scripts and have run into a new set of ?issues.

    We are getting many...

    Looking at the V8 script it seems that it changed from V2 as it doesn't work for ReadOnly Content Types. See code/comments excerpted from�your script�by our developer below.

    Our main ContentType is sealed and there may be others. We're thinking that this may be one of out main problems yet. Since the whole purpose of the script is to override mandatory fields why would we skip over sealed content types?

    If you agree that this may be causing the above issue what would you suggest? We assume going back to V2 is out of the question.

    Thanks for your help!



    From Script \/\/\/\/\/\/

    "I am looking at this script��DisableRequiredFields_SPItems_BeginTransformation_V8_Release.ps1�

    Looks like it�s filtering the read only content types .. it�s also mentioned in the comments � see highlighted

    # Date: 2017-07-13 -- Skip ReadOnly Content Types




    �������if(($hash.contains($ -or ($xmlDoc.ContentType.ReadOnly -eq "True"))


    ���������# do nothing




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