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How do I copy webparts on all pages and not just landingpages

Using the Powershell script I can migrate webparts on landingpages


foreach($Target in $TargetCollection) {

           $SourceCollection | Copy-MLSharePointWebParts -Target $Target `               

               -ExistingWebPartsAction "Delete" `

               -MapMissingUsersToLoginName "" `               

    -CopyWebPartsRecursive `

               -Transformers ( New-MetalogixSerializableObject "Metalogix.Transformers.TransformerCollection" "Metalogix.Actions" "<TransformerCollection><Transformer TransformerType=`"Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Transform.MapUsers, Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03`" ReadOnly=`"True`" /> `

               <Transformer TransformerType=`"Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Transform.WebPartsProcessor, Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03`" ReadOnly=`"True`" /> `

               </TransformerCollection>" -Enumerate) `

               -jobfile $global:logFile



But this will only copy webparts on landingpages. How do I copy webparts on all pages without migrating the listitem again?

  • This gives me the same result as my original post. Only webparts on landing page on all webs within the sitecollection are migrated.


    When I choose paste site objects -> Web parts on target I get very limited configuration possibilities (see attachment).

  • This gives me the same result as my original post. Only webparts on landing page on all webs within the sitecollection are migrated.


    When I choose paste site objects -> Web parts on target I get very limited configuration possibilities (see attachment).

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