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mam altlana

mam altlana
  • We have several issues, on the client side, after a windows 10 update for the meltdown and Spetre, the outlook 2010 addon does not come up and all the shortcuts on archived emails could not be accessed from the archive. I fixed that by typing in a whole bunch of new registry keys/strings. Web access owa was also affected. I will attack that later. On the server, I could not restore an email. That seems to be working again after starting up the MAM Exchange Direct Archive running in addition to the same-legacy. and there was a server restart in there. the At;lanta reference was a stab in the dark. I was also having problems navigating the website for metalogix with edge, and IE 11, and had to use opera browser. I appreciate the help. But Basically I can see the attachments are being archived, emails are being archived, I found the email I was looking for and was able to print it. I need help/installer that can upgrade us to the latest version. Just do not have time to work around Microsoft updates and crashing system.

    I will try this later in the month when I can wrap my head around what the heck works and what doesn't.

  • We have several issues, on the client side, after a windows 10 update for the meltdown and Spetre, the outlook 2010 addon does not come up and all the shortcuts on archived emails could not be accessed from the archive. I fixed that by typing in a whole bunch of new registry keys/strings. Web access owa was also affected. I will attack that later. On the server, I could not restore an email. That seems to be working again after starting up the MAM Exchange Direct Archive running in addition to the same-legacy. and there was a server restart in there. the At;lanta reference was a stab in the dark. I was also having problems navigating the website for metalogix with edge, and IE 11, and had to use opera browser. I appreciate the help. But Basically I can see the attachments are being archived, emails are being archived, I found the email I was looking for and was able to print it. I need help/installer that can upgrade us to the latest version. Just do not have time to work around Microsoft updates and crashing system.

    I will try this later in the month when I can wrap my head around what the heck works and what doesn't.

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