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redirecting attachments from roamingAppData to server\username\Application Data error

Windows 10, outlook 2010 32 bit on 64 bit os,

fixed registry entries for archive attachment display,

When looking at mail that was archived, then trying to open, when archive attachment starts to download or copy to a local area,

it fails with event ID 502, with message Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "RoamingAppData" to "\\server\users\jacie\Application Data". Redirection options=0x80009211 The following error occurred:"Can't create folder \\server\users\jacie\Application Data"".


How do I fix this?

  • Fixed it. Needed to update registry in 2 locations.

    I have 15 identical computers, the first part alone worked on most, on 2 computers I hade to do the WOW update

    The problem started after Microsoft update in January 2018, archived email attachments wouldn't open and you would get a CACHE error.

    This fixed that issue.





























  • Fixed it. Needed to update registry in 2 locations.

    I have 15 identical computers, the first part alone worked on most, on 2 computers I hade to do the WOW update

    The problem started after Microsoft update in January 2018, archived email attachments wouldn't open and you would get a CACHE error.

    This fixed that issue.





























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