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Single LogShipping Job

I'm looking at setting up LogShipping on a database with 36 databases. When setting it LiteSpeed creates a job for every database and 2 jobs on the subscriber. Is there any way to make this a single job? 


I found an example to do this with native log shipping. Basically it just uses xp_cmdshell and calls the exe. I tried to implement that same thing but calling the SLSLogShip.exe from a procedure. It doesn't seem to work.


Are there any recommended approaches.  


FYI. I have to use Log Shipping because we are using SQL 2016 and mirroring is not supported. Also, there is a bug with distributed transactions across databases in the same instance when configured with AlwaysOn. I worked directly with MS on that and know that it is fixed with SQL 2017. Otherwise, I was planning to use AlwaysOn.