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Single LogShipping Job

I'm looking at setting up LogShipping on a database with 36 databases. When setting it LiteSpeed creates a job for every database and 2 jobs on the subscriber. Is there any way to make this a single job? 


I found an example to do this with native log shipping. Basically it just uses xp_cmdshell and calls the exe. I tried to implement that same thing but calling the SLSLogShip.exe from a procedure. It doesn't seem to work.


Are there any recommended approaches.  


FYI. I have to use Log Shipping because we are using SQL 2016 and mirroring is not supported. Also, there is a bug with distributed transactions across databases in the same instance when configured with AlwaysOn. I worked directly with MS on that and know that it is fixed with SQL 2017. Otherwise, I was planning to use AlwaysOn.

  • Hello,

    For correct work of the console, you must have both jobs.
    If statuses displayed in the console are not important for you relocate execute step from the restore job to the copy job.
    You can use the following steps to minimize the effect of this relocation:
    - Create a plan
    - Add a second step to the copy job and relocate all settings from a restore job step(Step type, Statement, Step actions)
    - Set "Go to the next step" on success result for the first step
    - Run once the restore job and disable it. (don't remove)

    By this way you get properly displayed status with one (persistent) warning about disabled restore job.