Trying to add a whitelist for a user

I attempted to whitelist a user, it isn't working at the moment. This is the xml and in bold is where I attempted to add to create the whitelist. Thank you for any help!

<rule type="REL" version="1.0">
<argument displayname="Event filter" name="Event filter" description="Specifies filter for matching the event." class="Filter">
<value><filter type="EventFilter" version="1.0">


<argument usedefault="true" displayname="Computer" name="Computer" description="Computer where the events were generated." class="List">
<default description="Any string">"*"</default>

<argument usedefault="false" displayname="User" name="User" description="User account the event was generated by." class="List">
<value>""SVC*","This is a large list of users cut down"</value>
<default description="Any string">"*"</default>

<argument usedefault="true" displayname="Workstation" name="Workstation" description="Computer on which the logon attempt was performed." class="List">
<default description="Any string">"*"</default>

<argument usedefault="false" displayname="Logon Type" name="Logon Type" description="Type of logon, such as interactive or network." class="RangeList">
<default description="Any number">"0-4294967295"</default>

<argument displayname="Whitelisted Users" name="Whitelisted_Users" class="List" description="A list of users to exclude from monitoring.">


_DataSourceName="Security" and
in(Computer, "wi", array(<parameter name="Computer"/>) ) and
not empty( regexp( "Security",Source,"i" ) ) and
in(AccountName, "wi", array(<parameter name="User"/>) ) and not(in(String6, "wi", array(<parameter name="Whitelisted_Users"/>))) and
in_range(EventID, "528, 540") and
in(String7, "wi", array(<parameter name="Workstation"/>) ) and
in_range(String4, <parameter name="Logon Type"/>)
) or
in_range(EventID, "538") and
in_range(String4, <parameter name="Logon Type"/>)
) or
not empty( regexp( "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing",Source,"i" ) ) and
in_range(EventID, "4634") and
in_range(String5, <parameter name="Logon Type"/>) and
in( String2, "wi", array(<parameter name="User"/>) ) or
in( strcat( String3, "\\", String2), "wi", array(<parameter name="User"/>) )
) or
in_range(EventID, "4624") and
in(String12, "wi", array(<parameter name="Workstation"/>) ) and
in_range(String9, <parameter name="Logon Type"/>) and
in( String6, "wi", array(<parameter name="User"/>) ) or
in( strcat( String7, "\\", String6), "wi", array(<parameter name="User"/>) )


<parameter name="Event filter"/>;
<parameter name="Event filter"/>;

  • Hi Brian, I guess you have the upgraded product from old versions or just the old version of the product. The reason why your change doesn't work is that you apply it to the piece of code that doesn't execute anymore. If you look at the structure of the whole code you will see two big parts combined by OR. The first part is about 528, 538 and 540 events (related to pre-Vista) and the second part is about 4634, 4624 (starting from Vista), you have to change that second part. So, if you want to filter out user name in 4624 event (successful logon), move your bold code to the 4624 section, not(in(String6, "wi", array(<parameter name="Whitelisted_Users"/>)))