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Quest INTrust repository disk swap between the servers


I have a Intrust repository 400GB locally connected in 2008R2 operating system. 

now going to decommission the 2008R2 server. Can i disconnect  the repository  drive from 20082 and connect to 2016 servers.

InTrust roles resides on another 2016 server. Does this  method work fine ? please assist.

  • Hi mcsebala,

    Sure, you can do this. But this means some period of downtime. If you are concerned with the fact that during disk move the repository will be unavailable, you still need to follow the procedure I described in previous thread (about temp repo). If you are OK with that downtime, then just 

    1. move the disk
    2. share the repo at the new location
    3. assign necessary NTFS and SHARE permissions
    4. change the old path to the new one in the properties of the Repository configuration object
  • Really super sir.

    Thank you for the valuable time.

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