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Unable to open repositories with Repository Viewer

I moved a repository from a nearly full local drive to a large iSCSI volume. After the move, gather jobs still seem to work fine since the repository is growing at the same rate as before. However, I cannot open the repository with Repository Viewer. I get the following error:


"Could not open repository. Error details: Indexing is not configured or index could not be initialized for repository "OurRepository". Select a different repository".


-I stopped the InTrust services.

-I used robocopy for the copy/clone. 

-Initially, I just unshared the old location and shared the new location with the same share name, but that didn't seem to work.

-In InTrust Manager, I created a new repository and pointed it to the new location, this doesn't seem to work either.

-Out of curiousity, I created a new folder, shared it, and created a new repository. I made a gather task and pointed it to the new repository and then tried to connect via Repository Viewer. This also gives the same error.


Indexing is configured for each of the repositories with the InTrust server name, index stored in the Repository folder, and using the InTrust server that manages the index to build the index.