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Intrust Add-in for DNS debug logs

Is there still a way to capture DNS debug logs with Intrust? If so, can you tell me where to find the add-in?




  • I read over the whole thread and something occurred to me:

    Would it be practical for you to implement within InTrust a separate batch job that would collect data from the "extra" log files if they existed?

    So the "regular" collection would work with the current file but you would have another one that would (perhaps) fire once a day to collect data from the "extra" files.

    In my mind, the practicality of this would hinge upon how often you need to produce reports. If it's less than once per day, then I *think* my idea would work?
  • I read over the whole thread and something occurred to me:

    Would it be practical for you to implement within InTrust a separate batch job that would collect data from the "extra" log files if they existed?

    So the "regular" collection would work with the current file but you would have another one that would (perhaps) fire once a day to collect data from the "extra" files.

    In my mind, the practicality of this would hinge upon how often you need to produce reports. If it's less than once per day, then I *think* my idea would work?
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