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Intrust Add-in for DNS debug logs

Is there still a way to capture DNS debug logs with Intrust? If so, can you tell me where to find the add-in?




  • No, I could probably do it every hour but that may not guarantee you get all the data on an extremely busy DNS server. Are there any checks to indicate when you hit the point in which the frequency needs to be increased? (similar to warnings you receive for gathering tasks "Data collection was started from the beginning of the event log, because InTrust couldn't find the last gathered event position").
  • No, I could probably do it every hour but that may not guarantee you get all the data on an extremely busy DNS server. Are there any checks to indicate when you hit the point in which the frequency needs to be increased? (similar to warnings you receive for gathering tasks "Data collection was started from the beginning of the event log, because InTrust couldn't find the last gathered event position").
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