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Intrust Add-in for DNS debug logs

Is there still a way to capture DNS debug logs with Intrust? If so, can you tell me where to find the add-in?




  • Igor:

    It is the default MS solution for the debug logging. When you go to the properties of the log, you can set the max size of the log which is set to 500MB and then the roll over is set to true via powershell command. There are no gaps as this is in the MS logging properties.

    Please let me know if you need more information.

  • Igor:

    It is the default MS solution for the debug logging. When you go to the properties of the log, you can set the max size of the log which is set to 500MB and then the roll over is set to true via powershell command. There are no gaps as this is in the MS logging properties.

    Please let me know if you need more information.

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