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Intrust Add-in for DNS debug logs

Is there still a way to capture DNS debug logs with Intrust? If so, can you tell me where to find the add-in?




  • Nicole,

    I understand what you describe in your last comment, but this is not enough, this is too general. I'd like to know who controls the file creation operation and how. Because the default MS solution does not imply such mechanism or I am not aware of it. Do you use a script or a third-party tool for such retention? Are you sure there are no gaps in events when the new file is created?
  • Nicole,

    I understand what you describe in your last comment, but this is not enough, this is too general. I'd like to know who controls the file creation operation and how. Because the default MS solution does not imply such mechanism or I am not aware of it. Do you use a script or a third-party tool for such retention? Are you sure there are no gaps in events when the new file is created?
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