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Intrust Add-in for DNS debug logs

Is there still a way to capture DNS debug logs with Intrust? If so, can you tell me where to find the add-in?




  • I was able to successfully install the add-in. My log files are not at the normal system root, they are on another drive file location. How would the logfilename need to be set to grab from a different drive? My file path is Driveletter\logs\DNS\DNSwithdateandletters.log
    Thank you for your help!


  • I was able to successfully install the add-in. My log files are not at the normal system root, they are on another drive file location. How would the logfilename need to be set to grab from a different drive? My file path is Driveletter\logs\DNS\DNSwithdateandletters.log
    Thank you for your help!


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