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Intrust 11.3 repo viewer crashes when clicking on custom searches

I am reaching out to see if there is a solution to repo viewer crashing when trying to use a custom search. I am getting Event ID 1026 and 1000. I see there was an issue with this with 2003 servers, but I am running 2012 R2 and I am not able to uninstall and reinstall .Netframework as it uninstalls the Server GUI. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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  • Hi Anthony, we've been evaluating the product in FIPS environment throughout this year, found similar issues which mentioned in this topic and added remediation for these issues to the backlog. I'm afraid current 11.4 and upcoming 11.4.1 (GA in a week) do not contain the corresponding fixes, but there is a good chance that next 11.5 release will have this issue fixed, hopefully, in case of absence of unforeseen issues it will be released end of this year

    I'm sorry for any inconvenience this issue is causing and I understand the importance of supporting FIPS-enabled environment, we at Quest have a very firm understanding that our products must work there.

  • is there any update to this? or an estimated release for 11.5?

  • Hi, we are in the process of adopting set of improvements for our internal DevOps processes along with the ongoing R&D tasks, this resulted in changed release cycles and we've been releasing Updates for past ~12 months which prevented us from doing significant changes to the product. This is not the pace of innovations and improvements I would've preferred, but DevOps improvements are critical and important for such a trusted and experienced ISV as Quest. We are expecting a full release in the middle of this year, but I'm afraid this is not going to be 11.5. With respect to 11.5 - I'll provide an update very soon. As I already mentioned, we are determined to fix FIPS-related issues.