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Repository Viewer connection issue

How do I connect to the Repository Viewer from my Desktop?  When I connect from the server it works but from my workstation I get the following error:  "Could not open repository <my repository name here>.  Error Details: A security package specific error occurred.  Select a different repository."

I'm connecting using the same credentials I use to connect to the server.

Server OS:  Windows 2016

InTrust:  v11.3.1

Workstation:  Windows 10


I can run InTrust Manager to manage my InTrust instance from my desktop without any issues, but the repository viewer is alluding me at this point.



  • Hi Bill,

    This should work without issue.

    Are you able to also browse without issue to the repository path used for this repository storage from your workstation?

    The error itself appears to be commonly associated with DNS or Kerberos issue. If everything appears normal connecting to the repository folder from your workstation probably will be best to open a Service Request with Support so that we can investigate further.
  • Hi Bill,

    This should work without issue.

    Are you able to also browse without issue to the repository path used for this repository storage from your workstation?

    The error itself appears to be commonly associated with DNS or Kerberos issue. If everything appears normal connecting to the repository folder from your workstation probably will be best to open a Service Request with Support so that we can investigate further.
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