• Introducing eDocs!

    We're pleased to introduce Quest eDocs, our new online documentation site.

    eDocs gives you access to fully searchable, browsable Foglight product documentation on the Web – helping you find answers to your questions about installing, setting up,…

  • Foglight nologinuser dashboard in SharePoint

    Please note that there is a newer version of an article talking about showing Foglight dashboard in sharepoint


  • Adventures in Agent Creation - Part 1

    By David Falkenstein, Solutions Architect, Quest Software

    Over the last few months one of my more challenging projects has been to make the manner of gathering Windows counters for Foglight more efficient; in my case, to create a new version of an IIS…

  • Adventures in Agent Creation - Part 2

    This blog is a continuation of Adventures in Agent Creation - Part 1.

    When last I wrote, I introduced an interesting exercise in high-performance counter monitoring for Windows systems using Foglight. I structured the problem and outlined my approach…

  • Converting Foglight 4 Script Agents to Foglight 5

    Hello Foglight Folks,
    Robert Statsinger here. Here’s a brief note for folks who are migrating from Foglight 4 to Foglight 5 and who have script agents coming along for the ride.
    Geoff Vona has written some excellent blog articles on Foglight 5…
  • Custom Agents - Script Agent Data Modeling and Units

    By Geoff Vona

    In my last blog I introduced Script Agents. Script Agents are a great way to get data into Foglight quickly. Foglight 5 extends the script agent data format in some interesting ways. In this blog, we're going to look at data modeling, units…

  • eDocs: Enhancements to Search

    As of the latest update, we've made some enhancements to the Foglight eDocs site to help provide you with a better experience when you search for information.

    What's changed?

    • We upgraded our Search Results page, so your search results will…
  • WebMonitor agent installation

    After replying to a question on the community site, I thought it would be a nice article by itself. 

    The Process of installing a WebMonitor agent: 

    The full process is described in the documentation

    You basically have to download the cartridge from support…

  • Training Update - New Foglight Reporting Course Available

    We are pleased to announce the release of Quest's Foglight Reporting Course, providing students with an introduction to the Foglight reporting feature and instruction on the fundamentals for effectively creating and managing reports. Those who take the…

  • Setting Tomcat server name and domain in Foglight

    When installing Foglight Java agent with Tomcat, a very common request is to put the servers in a specific system and to give the servers a specific name. 

    Out of the box when installing against a standalone Tomcat server Foglight gets the default server…

  • Foglight Admin 101

                   Foglight Admin 101

    Welcome to Foglight. This page was built as a beginner’s welcome page to Foglight where people can go and see important links, documents, videos and info about Foglight. This page was built to help people learn about the basic…

  • Setting JBoss Server name and domain in Foglight

    When installing Foglight Java agent with JBoss, a very common request is to put the servers in a specific system and to give the servers a specific name. 

    Out of the box when installing against a standalone JBoss server Foglight gets the default server…

  • Foglight Training Classes -- Public and Private Options Available

    Back by popular demand!

    I wanted to let you know about a program that is available for customers and partners. Public Training Courses for Foglight are once again available. These classes are all available as public (shared time with other customers…

  • Foglight monitoring application components running on Docker Containers

    Foglight monitoring application components running on Docker Containers

    We are starting to get more questions from customers and prospects about monitoring application components that are running on a Docker container. We started testing the different…

  • Foglight Dashboard Rotation

    Hello. My name is Chris Lee, and I'm a Quest PSO bloke based in Sydney, Australia. Welcome to my first ever document here within the Foglight community.


    Introducing version 2 Dashboard Rotator! In response to some enhancement requests, the cartridge…

  • Monitoring Storage System HP EVA with Quest FogLight

    This dashboard was created for the IT operational/support peoples and services states... Many Services and application are running on Storage HP EVA. For this reason is important to know state and real use about resources and metrics.
    When the storage…
  • Our Foglight for Virtualization and Cloud Forum has Moved!

    We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Foglight Community Forum!  You can post questions or suggestions about Foglight products in the new forum as part of an active discussion. If you posted a question below in this forum that we…

  • Our Foglight Forum for Custom Dashboards and Scripts has Moved!

    We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Foglight Community Forum!  You can post questions or suggestions about Foglight products in the new forum as part of an active discussion. If you posted a question below in this forum that we…

  • Our Foglight Administrators Forum has Moved!

    We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Foglight Community Forum!  You can post questions or suggestions about Foglight products in the new forum as part of an active discussion. If you posted a question below in this forum that we…

  • VMware capacity management

    If you have ever wanted to know when you're going to run out of capacity or how upcoming changes are going to drive purchasing behaviour, now you can.

    Foglight for Virtulaization 8.5 with Capacity Director


  • Vmware capacity management

    If you have ever wanted to know when you're going to run out of capacity or how upcoming changes are going to drive purchasing behaviour, now you can.

    Foglight for Virtulaization 8.5 with Capacity Director




  • EUWebMonitorTransactionMetrics monitoringAgent returns null


    Can somebody explain me why the
    o2.get("monitoringAgent/name") returns null for a EUWebMonitorTransactionMetrics object?

    and yet the webmonitoragent is showing properties in the script console

    For an FTR object it seems to be working


  • Cartridge for Deleting Stale objects

    Hello Team , 


     I am looking for a cartridge which can help me in deleting the Stale objects, I understand the same can be done by the Script , But it would be more easier if there are any cartridge so that we can come to know how many objects are stale…

  • UDC not immediately showing up in list.

    We're still in the trial phase of purchasing Foglight for SQL Server and I've run into an issue using the UDC.


    I've created a rather simple UDC just to test it.  Everything passes with green checkmarks, I save my changes and that works fine…

  • Foglight for SQL Server with PI What ports should be open?

    Hello All,

    I am preparing new environment for Foglight for SQL Server with PI:

    1 VM for the FMS

    1 VM for FGLAM + PI repository

    1 VM for the Foglight Repository (SQL Server)


    I didn't find any documnt that explain what port should i open from each vm to…