• Foglight Database Expansion Pack(6.0.1) supports New version of Foglihgt 5.9.5


    presently i am using 5.9.3 FMS version and DB Expansion pack 6.0.1, planning to upgrade latest version 5.9.5 DB Expansion pack support this version? any new Pack Released.

  • Discrepancy on the hardware requirements for Foglight Management Server

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm trying to calculate our hardware requirements for the FMS.

    I've got to think the second example in the walk-through may not be for the Foglight Management Server alone.

    From https://support.quest.com/technical…

  • FMS Installation issue on external MYSQL

    Hi, I have installed FMS with HA on 2 server. But found lot of cartridges are not being installed during the installation. Showing below type of dependecies error and unable to install any type of cartriges on FMS. Found lot cartridges are in disable…

  • Has anyone configured Foglight for SQL Server to handle multiple vlans (FTI Compliant, PCI Compliant, No Compliance, etc.)?

    We've investigated a few different ways to handle this but I wanted to see if anyone had already addressed this in their environment. When we spoke to Quest they didn't really have any use cases regarding compliance requirements. I've started reading…

  • Exporting Cartidges wich includes customizations


    I built a complex customized Dashboard on a test-system.

    There was a possibility to export customizations to a cartridge (FGL IDE from Stefan Marx) but it doesn't work anymore!


  • Migrate agents to another External Agent Manager

    Hi All,

    I'm planning to do migration to different hardware including management server and external agent managers. For management server, I'm planning to install new latest Foglight version. I will also create new external agent manager. Can I migrate…

  • looking for a query or report that can give me the aggregate of a group of servers i/o waits


    We have added a new blade to one of our SQL Server Clusters, and it is on a larger FI switch.  I am looking for a way to aggregate  the total i/o waits on a group of servers that are running on that blade.  Does anyone have a query or a way to do this…

  • Startup Error

    Dear All,

    Could you please check below error on startup and suggest solution .

    2018-10-17 13:15:40.044 FATAL [forge-startup] com.quest.nitro.startup.ForgeServer - Unexpected error during server startup, exiting with error code 1133.

  • Scope rule to error text

    We have a scanning tool that hits every SQL server with bad logins on a regular basis. this generates Sev 20 errors in the log, which si good. however, I don't really want to deal with a few hundred of these a week from a know source. Is there a way to…

  • Database upgrade failure

    OS: RHEL 6

    Foglight Repository Database Type: Oracle (External Database)

    I want to upgrade the fms server from version to 5.9.2.

    But the database upgrade can't be successfully performed within the installer itself.So I run the script foglight_db_upgrade…

  • Run a Powershell script with Foglight


    I tried to to add Powershell script to the Foglight.
    I tried to just put the powershell in the foglight (with the Script Agent Builder), and i get an error. I saw that I need to create bat file that will point to the powershell and to zip them together…

  • Add Powershell script to Foglight


    I tried to to add Powershell script to the Foglight.
    I tried to just put the powershell in the foglight (with the Script Agent Builder), and i get an error. I saw that I need to create bat file that will point to the powershell and to zip them together…

  • Add Powershell script to Foglight


    I tried to to add Powershell script to the Foglight.
    I tried to just put the powershell in the foglight (with the Script Agent Builder), and i get an error. I saw that I need to create bat file that will point to the powershell and to zip them together…

  • Needed guidance on How to create a function to apply it to a Row-Oriented Table


    could somebody give me a hint on How to create a function to apply it to a Row-Oriented Table, so it takes as an input the values of the rows of one column and then the output is binded to equivalent rows in another column?

    I am unable to do this…

  • How can I add a column with writable cells into an existing Row-Oriented Table?

    Hello there,

    I have created an Custom Script Agent which collects the Hardware Inventory from our company's workstations.

    Then I have created a Custom Row-Oriented Table to display the data.

    Most of the necessary data is collected by the Agent but…

  • Replication Dist. Agent screen -- "No Sessions where found"

    I'm building a new dashboard in 5.9.2 and using the replication snapshot agent screen as shown below.

    As you can see, there are "No Sessions where found." Incidently...this caption is grammatically incorrect.  It should be "No Sessions were…

  • Replication Monitor dashboard not matching SQL Server replication monitor status

    I'm creating a customized dashboard and it's coming along rather well.  Except for the status I'm getting regarding the replication monitor.

    As you can see from the screenshot below the inlaid screenshot of the SQL Server replication monitor…

  • I'm looking for an upgrade plan for FMS Foglight 5.7.5 to 5.9.2

     This upgrade will be in place. 

  • Alert for Certificate monitoring using the new Active directory cartridge

    Dear All, 

    We are currently monitoring the Certificate Authority servers using the  Active Directory 5.7.1. I dont see a rule which helps us to Send an Alarm if the Certificates are about to Expire.


    Kindly share me if there is anything specific for this…

  • How to Add the vmware Extension to a Foglight SQL Server Agent...

    How to Add the vmware Extension to a Foglight SQL Server Agent...

    On a reason exiting server agent i want to add your vmware data.

    I want to add vmware.

    I was told that i first need to remove the agent 


    And add it again. Is this really true? And lose…

  • Foglight for sql server ports

    Hello all,

    I want to monitor with Foglight SQL Server with PI.

    Which port i should open from the FGLAM server to my SQL Server?
    I want to monitor the SQL Server and also the OS (Windows server 2012)

    Can you please advise?


    Many thanks! 

  • DBSS - Long Running Job exception duration for single job

    Hello All,

    This alarm "DBSS - Long Running Job"  have a global fire threshold for all the jobs.

    I can see that there is an exception in order to exclude specific jobs.

    Does there is a way to make an exception for a single job duration that will…

  • How to configure corrective action against alarm


    I am looking to configure corrective action against alarm in Foglight. We use Foglight for SQL Server monitoring. I usually get lot Log File Utilization alerts from Foglight. I am thinking off to fire SQL script by Foglight to shrink the log file…

  • Foglight Dev Camp 2017

    API integration, dashboard, and agent customization on Foglight platform

    Event Registration: www.quest.com/.../vroom-foglight-dev-camp-20178128488

    Submission Guideline: 

    Register at https://devpost.com/ using your Github or LinkedIn account
    Form your team …

  • Simple tool to replace your Foglight Management Server (FMS) certificate

    Replacing FMS out of box certificate is first thing people will do if they want hardening their environment. However it does involved lots of command typing and sometime you may forgot something.

    I create this simple tool to help Foglight administrator…