• How do I edit FSMCategory email notification

    This is the email I get below. It is working just fine, but I want to go in and remove the HTML code. i.e. &nbsp

    Email Subject: Foglight Service FSMCategory: OD Critical Systems has 2 new fatal alarms [Sep 11, 2018 1:44:14 AM]

    Email Description: New…

  • Service Builder



    If I create a rule within the service builder to include 'group of compenents,' is there a limit on how many conditions can be entered?


    The rule I've added has conditions where the naming conventions of VDI machines are set to be blacked…

  • Dynamic Managed Component question

    I would like to create a dynamic managed component query to create a service. I would like the service to contain Net Monitor Devices but only those that also have an Oracle agent on the host that the Net Monitor is checking. I was hoping to use a query…