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duplicate object for logical disk

 I am running this query to search for NTFS

Select objects of type LogicalDisk from the "(Default)" datasource (of type foglight-5)
    from Root of (foglight-5:default)/HostModel/hosts/storage/logicalDisks
            (/name like "%NTFS%" And
            /queueLength/period/count greater "0")

When I try to place the information into views for names I get duplicate names. Is there a way to use Distinct function like what i have used in SQL?

  • Hello Ray,

    But Logical Disks can have the same name. What is the reason you want to do this?

    Do you just need a general List of all possible Names of Drives?

    You can also use the method ".unique{}" from groovy on a list of objects.

  • Hi Ray,

    This query returns all logical disks for all your hosts (physical, virtual).
    So suppose you have 2 hosts HostA & HostB and both have a logical drive C:\
    By running your query you will get 2 rows with the same name C:\.
    But one row will be for HostA and the other one will be for HostB.

    So it is ok to have many rows for each logical disk name (C:/, D:/ E:/ etc).
    You just need to add the host name column ( in your view. This will "make" each logical disk row "unique".

    In order to understand what is going on go to script console :
    Use "LogicalDisk" and press "Do query" and you will see all your logical disk along with all related properties.
