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Cartridge for Deleting Stale objects

Hello Team , 


 I am looking for a cartridge which can help me in deleting the Stale objects, I understand the same can be done by the Script , But it would be more easier if there are any cartridge so that we can come to know how many objects are stale  and what need to be removed.



Sriram S

  • Hi Kris,

    We are currently using Foglight and I dont see the dashboard what you have specified, Instead i do have a dashboard which says Object Cleanup but there is no option to Addtype. Please refer the attached shreenshot.

  • Hi Kris,

    We are currently using Foglight and I dont see the dashboard what you have specified, Instead i do have a dashboard which says Object Cleanup but there is no option to Addtype. Please refer the attached shreenshot.

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