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Cartridge for Deleting Stale objects

Hello Team , 


 I am looking for a cartridge which can help me in deleting the Stale objects, I understand the same can be done by the Script , But it would be more easier if there are any cartridge so that we can come to know how many objects are stale  and what need to be removed.



Sriram S

  • Hi sriram_sivakumar,

    You can do this in the Manage Monitored Instances dashboard as shown in the screenshot below. You can add any objects and automatically delete them after they have been inactive after a certain period. This is from a 5.6.10 FMS.

    Hope that helps,


  • Hi sriram_sivakumar,

    You can do this in the Manage Monitored Instances dashboard as shown in the screenshot below. You can add any objects and automatically delete them after they have been inactive after a certain period. This is from a 5.6.10 FMS.

    Hope that helps,


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