No server monitoring from Foglight

This question has been hounding me and figured I'd ask it here but keep searching for an answer.

One of my sql servers is running fine but Foglight' dashboard is showing dashes where the system utilization\up since are at.  I can ping it from the agent manager, and it is gathering sql server PI data as well.

What do I need to check or change to get this to start gathering OS information?

  • Hi John,

    The OS column shows that there is (at least looks to be) an agent. If you click the host name, it should take you to an OS dashboard - is data showing there?

    If not, can you verify in the Administration -> Agent Status page that the Windows/Linux agent for that host is up and collecting data? Does it show a recent value in the Last Data Submission column of that page? Can you also check the log file for any errors?

    In the Databases dashboard, click the box for the instance, then Admin -> Settings -> Collection Details. Can you test the connection (and verify there is a green check on the OS column)?

    Are there any credential errors?

    Aside from those checks.. if that doesn't resolve it, I would suggest a support case.

  • Hi John,

    The OS column shows that there is (at least looks to be) an agent. If you click the host name, it should take you to an OS dashboard - is data showing there?

    If not, can you verify in the Administration -> Agent Status page that the Windows/Linux agent for that host is up and collecting data? Does it show a recent value in the Last Data Submission column of that page? Can you also check the log file for any errors?

    In the Databases dashboard, click the box for the instance, then Admin -> Settings -> Collection Details. Can you test the connection (and verify there is a green check on the OS column)?

    Are there any credential errors?

    Aside from those checks.. if that doesn't resolve it, I would suggest a support case.

  • Darren,

    Thanks for the quick reply and the help.  Much appreciated!!

    I verified all the things you suggested and here are my results:

    1. OS Dashboard does not appear to be gathering data at all.  It shows a lot of green but nothing is "running" as it normally would.

    2.  It's showing "Last Data Submission" from about 5 hours ago on the "Monitor@servername" Agent Name.  I did indeed check the log for "monitor@servername" and found the following: 

    2020-01-15 05:57:15.114 ECHO    <fb8be857-fbcf-4747-973d-295a8570e581/HostAgents/5.9.5/WindowsAgent/Monitor@brokenservernamehere> VERBOSE [Quartz[0]-28746] - The connection to the remote system was lost and the query "select SystemUpTime from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System" could not be completed, no results will be returned. The query 'select SystemUpTime from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System' has failed (0x80041032)
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor158.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by: Invoke of: Count
    Source: SWbemObjectSet
    Description: Call cancelled

        at Method)
        ... 11 more

    3.  I ran a test connection per your suggestion and it came back green & verified.

    Not sure if you've run into this before.  If so, what was your solution?  I checked the timeline & it appears to have been working this morning. 

    Thanks again.

  • Hi John,

    Normally when I see the WMI calls failing I engage with support.

    It looks like the Windows agent lost connection to the host (for some reason, the log doesn't say).

    You could try to deactivate/activate the Windows agent to see if it resolves it. But if it doesn't or re-occurs, I would suggest a support case.

  • Tried activating\deactivating several times with no luck.  Not sure what happened so just this one server out of 33 started doing this.

    Anyone else have any suggestions?  It's still gathering SQL PI data and occasionally the "Up Since" column shows a date but then will go away only to popup again later.

    I'd like to try something else before I have to put a help ticket in.  I have a feeling the tech support will either want me to restart sql server services (not an easy task since both instances are reporting servers) or ask for a log file download.

  • This whole issue just took another odd turn.
    According to Foglight, Operating System dashboard, nothing is working. 

    But if I now click on the dash inside the "Total CPU Usage" object, select the same time period as above.  I get all kinds of data that it had collected.

    So apparently it is collecting data in some manner but not showing it on the overview. 

    Anyone have any ideas?

  • Hi John,

    Have you tried a validate connectivity in the SQL Server agent administration. The SQL Server agent uses a WinRM or WMI connection from the database agent on the FglAM to the host for the CPU and Memory metrics. The HostAgent is used for the Disk Metrics. Trying the validate connectivity should provide you with an error that the OS connection fails or succeeds.

    The HostAgent could have a different issue. If you are getting the SQL PI data then the database connection works. The OS connection is the second part of the validate connectivity test in Agent Admin.
