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Add Powershell script to Foglight


I tried to to add Powershell script to the Foglight.
I tried to just put the powershell in the foglight (with the Script Agent Builder), and i get an error. I saw that I need to create bat file that will point to the powershell and to zip them together. now I get the following error.

2018-07-31 16:48:19.023 DEBUG2 [ScriptReader-fb8be857-fbcf-4747-973d-295a8570e581/EWS_CMD/1.0.2/EWS_CMD/EWS_CMD@labfoglight] - Raw input: C:\Quest\Foglight\fglam\state\default\agents\fb8be857-fbcf-4747-973d-295a8570e581\EWS_CMD\1.0.2\script>powershell -noexit "& ""C:\Quest\Foglight\fglam\state\default\agents\fb8be857-fbcf-4747-973d-295a8570e581\EWS\1.0.1\script\EWS.ps1"""
2018-07-31 16:48:19.023 DEBUG [ScriptReader-fb8be857-fbcf-4747-973d-295a8570e581/EWS_CMD/1.0.2/EWS_CMD/EWS_CMD@labfoglight] - Unknown input from a running script agent: C:\Quest\Foglight\fglam\state\default\agents\fb8be857-fbcf-4747-973d-295a8570e581\EWS_CMD\1.0.2\script>powershell -noexit "& ""C:\Quest\Foglight\fglam\state\default\agents\fb8be857-fbcf-4747-973d-295a8570e581\EWS\1.0.1\script\EWS.ps1"""
2018-07-31 16:48:20.102 WARN [ProcessReader-4] - JCollector Script STDERR: Add-PSSnapin : No snap-ins have been registered for Windows PowerShell version

I would appreciate if anyone could help me.

Menahem Avraham