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How can I add a column with writable cells into an existing Row-Oriented Table?

Hello there,

I have created an Custom Script Agent which collects the Hardware Inventory from our company's workstations.

Then I have created a Custom Row-Oriented Table to display the data.

Most of the necessary data is collected by the Agent but there is some information that I would like to add manually to the table like, for example, the physical location of the workstations...

How could I do that? Any hints please? I have read about the type of Binding "Writable Data Object" but I don't know how to implement it since there is a lack of Examples...

Writable Data Object

Thank you and regards,


Parents Reply
  • Thank you @Welson.Yang, once again.

    Is there any other easier way to do that? Really? is not possible to just manually insert values into cells? What are the "Writable Data Object" used for?

    This is what I would like to do, to be able to write in this cells directly:

    Thank you,
