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How do you run a custom sql script in a Foglight Rule?

We want to run the following query in a custom rule:


SELECT name, is_disabled, is_policy_checked
FROM sys.sql_logins
WHERE is_policy_checked = 0 AND is_disabled = 0
ORDER BY name;  

We want a alarm to fire if the condition is true on any of the instances in Foglight.


What is the best way to run a query within a rule?  Is it possible?

  • I am setting up a simple UDC in one instance based on the query:
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM sys.sql_logins
    WHERE is_policy_checked = 0 AND is_disabled = 0

    I followed your blog on setting up an alarm based on the output. My collection times are set for 60 minutes for testing purposes and the alarm has not triggered. When I look at the UDC results, there are 20 records and my check is #Login_Count# > 0. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot why this might not be firing?
  • Hi,

    In the rule editor, severity level, condition tab, drop down the "Run Condition Query" box and paste in #Login_Count# and execute. It should return a number.

    Then try it with #Login_Count# > 0 and it should return true/false. That will help test the data/logic used in the rule.
  • with just #Login_Count#  I get an error undefined observation (present but empty observed data for topology object 832d37ef-6607-48d5-943f-4bcdbcdc694f) in query: Login_Count ----script start------ #Login_Count# ---- script end ------

    with #Login_Count# > 0 I get Login_Count (script: 95030b7713a5ad5288cd6278e7283971)

    But I have a count as shown below:

  • Hi,

    Can you check the collection properties and post a screenshot?

    From the error message, it looks like it's being stored as an observation, and that "Is Key" was set to true.

  • A couple things to change. You'll need to delete the UDC - so have the query copied. Then re-create it, but provide a column name (login_count), type should be double and unit of measurement should be count.
  • Thank you Darren! Finally, a working UDC. Now I am waiting for it to generate an alarm. Are there any good tutorials on how to drag and drop a UDC into a dashboard?
  • They're buried pretty deep in the data model.. I couldn't show it all on one screen, but this will get you down to the collection, and then the metrics (eg. login_count) that you named when you setup the UDC will be draggable to a custom dashboard/report.


  • I don't see the data tab on the Actions window. Do I need to set something to display it?