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Monitoring Report to include ALL Logical Disks

Hi There

Can someone please help me. I need to generate a report that show CPU, Memory, and Disk Usage percentages, But the report must show all logical drives on the server and not only the OS drive.

Much appreciated thanks.


  • Hi neville.cassim ,

    I created a report like that, but it is only for one Virtual Machine, I will attach it here in case is useful. Please take a look of the sample PDF to see if it meets your requirements before installing it.

    1) Copy the file to Foglight\bin folder.
    2) Import it with the following command:
    fglcmd.bat -usr foglight -pwd <use_your_password> -cmd util:uiimport -f 
    Linux: -usr foglight -pwd <use_your_password> -cmd util:uiimport -f

    If foglight password is foglight, the following should suffice:
    fglcmd.bat -cmd util:uiimport -f 
    4) Under Dashboards, locate the new module called "Custom Reports" this module will have the report you need.



  • Hi there Gaston.

    Thanks for your response.

    I am looking for something more like the attached snip but it must display all disk drives of all servers included in the report.


  • Thanks Neville,
    Yes, that definitely is a custom report. Hopefully someone in the community has done something similar.