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Has any work been done around running Foglight, FglAM, and Agents in Docker Containers?

I'm investigating the advantages of running some parts of Foglight from Docker Containers (mainly the FglAM/Agents).

Is there any documentation for setting up and running Remote FglAMs/Agents in Docker Containers?  Can it be done?  Advantages/Disadvantages?  Can I point a containerized FglAM to an FMS running in a standard VM? 

  • Hi Darren,

    The link provided takes me to conversations I've already seen (unless I missed one) that seem to be focused on Foglight being able to monitor other applications and components which are built in containers or address the topic of Foglight monitoring Docker counters directly.

    I want to create a remote FglAM template and build it into a container and run it from within Docker (the FglAM and agents running in a Docker container). The FglAM, running within a container, will be responsible for running the DB and OS agents to remotely connect to and monitor our database environments.
  • Hi Darren,

    The link provided takes me to conversations I've already seen (unless I missed one) that seem to be focused on Foglight being able to monitor other applications and components which are built in containers or address the topic of Foglight monitoring Docker counters directly.

    I want to create a remote FglAM template and build it into a container and run it from within Docker (the FglAM and agents running in a Docker container). The FglAM, running within a container, will be responsible for running the DB and OS agents to remotely connect to and monitor our database environments.
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