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How to Add the vmware Extension to a Foglight SQL Server Agent...

How to Add the vmware Extension to a Foglight SQL Server Agent...

On a reason exiting server agent i want to add your vmware data.

I want to add vmware.

I was told that i first need to remove the agent 


And add it again. Is this really true? And lose all the collected data?


  • Hello Johan,

    as far as I know you only need to set the credentials for the vCenter/ESX on which the SQL Server instance is running.
    Select the needed agent and click on "Settings -> Administration". Now find the "Connection Details" and click on "Set Credentials". Tick the VMWare box and enter the credentials there.

    Once it has been entered it should start collecting. You might need wait for 10-15 minutes to get some collection cycles done before you see data.

    Does that help?

    Kind Regards
  • Hello Johan,

    as far as I know you only need to set the credentials for the vCenter/ESX on which the SQL Server instance is running.
    Select the needed agent and click on "Settings -> Administration". Now find the "Connection Details" and click on "Set Credentials". Tick the VMWare box and enter the credentials there.

    Once it has been entered it should start collecting. You might need wait for 10-15 minutes to get some collection cycles done before you see data.

    Does that help?

    Kind Regards
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