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Foglight Alerts and associated devices

Can Foglight create a reports  to show the monitored devices and there associated alerts. I'm not an administrator to verify all true, but being told this isn't possible? An 200 page report can be generated of all alerts but nothing can be created simply to list the devices monitored and there associated alert.

  • Nicola
    Thank you for your quick response. As I believed the Foglight application should be able to provide a report of its status etc.. The root of the situation is we have alerting setup on multiple devices and I want to see exactly which devices have what monitoring rules assigned. I'm being told this is an extensive process to create a report to show me that information. I will continue to research and read the user guides etc.. Thank you again
  • Nicola
    Thank you for your quick response. As I believed the Foglight application should be able to provide a report of its status etc.. The root of the situation is we have alerting setup on multiple devices and I want to see exactly which devices have what monitoring rules assigned. I'm being told this is an extensive process to create a report to show me that information. I will continue to research and read the user guides etc.. Thank you again
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