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foglight dashboard rotation download

where can the Dashboard rotation cartridge (v2?) be downloaded from?

this old link doesnt seem to work any more as well

thank you,

  • Hi Eneko,


    in order to make any dashboard visible on the "add rotated views" view you should add "Dashboard" purpose to the desired dashboard. Please find attached the screenshot for the steps how to do this.

    1. Goto Configuration -> Definitions
    2. Find Exchange module and click
    3. Search for desired dashboard, in this case for "excServerHealthCheckView" and select the dashboard
    4. Click on Edit button and insert "Dashboard" on purpose field.
    5. Save

    After these steps you should see the dashboard in the insert list of "add rotated views".

    Restriction: If there are any contextual inputs in the dashboard, you will not be able to insert it to the rotation view as the dashboard will not function. Rotation view cannot provide these values to the dashboard. In the above dashboard "excServerHealthCheckView" there is one input called "clusterHealths", which is optional and therefore can be ignored. In case of "required" it must be filled in.


    Hurshid Kadirov

  • Hi Eneko,


    in order to make any dashboard visible on the "add rotated views" view you should add "Dashboard" purpose to the desired dashboard. Please find attached the screenshot for the steps how to do this.

    1. Goto Configuration -> Definitions
    2. Find Exchange module and click
    3. Search for desired dashboard, in this case for "excServerHealthCheckView" and select the dashboard
    4. Click on Edit button and insert "Dashboard" on purpose field.
    5. Save

    After these steps you should see the dashboard in the insert list of "add rotated views".

    Restriction: If there are any contextual inputs in the dashboard, you will not be able to insert it to the rotation view as the dashboard will not function. Rotation view cannot provide these values to the dashboard. In the above dashboard "excServerHealthCheckView" there is one input called "clusterHealths", which is optional and therefore can be ignored. In case of "required" it must be filled in.


    Hurshid Kadirov

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