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foglight dashboard rotation download

where can the Dashboard rotation cartridge (v2?) be downloaded from?

this old link doesnt seem to work any more as well

thank you,

  • Hi Nicola,
    yes we would like to add some more views from Exchange Environment.

    At the moment we are only able to add next views:
    - "Exchange Environment" with ViewID: system:exchange.exViewExchangeEnvironmentTabs
    - "Exchange Alarms" with ViewID: system:exchange.exViewExchangeAlarms

    We would like to be able to add other views also from Exchange Environment, but those that are shown under Health Check tab like:
    - "Clusters Health Check View" with ViewID: system:exchange_cluster.excClustersHealthCheckView
    - "Exchange Server Health Check View" with ViewID: system:exchange_server.excServerHealthCheckView

    Thank you,


  • Hi Nicola,
    yes we would like to add some more views from Exchange Environment.

    At the moment we are only able to add next views:
    - "Exchange Environment" with ViewID: system:exchange.exViewExchangeEnvironmentTabs
    - "Exchange Alarms" with ViewID: system:exchange.exViewExchangeAlarms

    We would like to be able to add other views also from Exchange Environment, but those that are shown under Health Check tab like:
    - "Clusters Health Check View" with ViewID: system:exchange_cluster.excClustersHealthCheckView
    - "Exchange Server Health Check View" with ViewID: system:exchange_server.excServerHealthCheckView

    Thank you,


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