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Simple tool to replace your Foglight Management Server (FMS) certificate

Replacing FMS out of box certificate is first thing people will do if they want hardening their environment. However it does involved lots of command typing and sometime you may forgot something.

I create this simple tool to help Foglight administrator to replace their FMS certificate and hope you like it. (This is first version and only support FMS on windows)

Click below link to download the tool

  • Yes that is what this tool intend to do

    As promised from video, this is the steps if you do not have p7b file

    Is signed certifcate in p7b format? (Y/N) : n
    Please extract all individual and CA certificate to current location/folder and press space bar to continue
    Press any key to continue . . .
    importing root CA
    Please enter root CA certificate file name : c:\fveroot.cer
    Certificate was added to keystore
    Do you have any more intermedia CA? (Y/N) : y
    Please enter your 1 intermedia CA certificate file name : c:\int1.cer
    import 1 intermedia CA certificate
    Do you have any more intermedia CA? (Y/N) : y
    Please enter your 2 intermedia CA certificate file name : c:\int2.cer
    import 2 intermedia CA certificate
    Do you have any more intermedia CA? (Y/N) : n
    Importing FMS certificate
    Please enter your FMS certificate file name : c:\fms.cer
    Certificate was added to keystore
    Certificate import successful and please restart your FMS server
    Please also update your FGLAM configruation to use new certificate
    press space bar to exit the program
    Press any key to continue . . .
  • Yes that is what this tool intend to do

    As promised from video, this is the steps if you do not have p7b file

    Is signed certifcate in p7b format? (Y/N) : n
    Please extract all individual and CA certificate to current location/folder and press space bar to continue
    Press any key to continue . . .
    importing root CA
    Please enter root CA certificate file name : c:\fveroot.cer
    Certificate was added to keystore
    Do you have any more intermedia CA? (Y/N) : y
    Please enter your 1 intermedia CA certificate file name : c:\int1.cer
    import 1 intermedia CA certificate
    Do you have any more intermedia CA? (Y/N) : y
    Please enter your 2 intermedia CA certificate file name : c:\int2.cer
    import 2 intermedia CA certificate
    Do you have any more intermedia CA? (Y/N) : n
    Importing FMS certificate
    Please enter your FMS certificate file name : c:\fms.cer
    Certificate was added to keystore
    Certificate import successful and please restart your FMS server
    Please also update your FGLAM configruation to use new certificate
    press space bar to exit the program
    Press any key to continue . . .
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