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Foglight VEE v8.5 Automation Tasks Failing


I would like to automate actions to adjust VM settings, specifically Memory and CPU. I have created a workflow and created associated tasks, but the tasks are failing, whether scheduled or set to immediate. Are there logs somewhere I can check to see reasons for failures?

Thank you!

  • Hello Kathy,

    Typically the main reason for Automation Workflow failure is due to either Credentials are not assigned or the assigned credentials does not have necessary privileges to execute the Workflow/task. Can you please confirm that proper credentials are assigned? (pls keep in mind that these credentials are per logged in use basis).


    That being said, there should some information logged in Management server (log) about the task.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hello Kathy,

    Typically the main reason for Automation Workflow failure is due to either Credentials are not assigned or the assigned credentials does not have necessary privileges to execute the Workflow/task. Can you please confirm that proper credentials are assigned? (pls keep in mind that these credentials are per logged in use basis).


    That being said, there should some information logged in Management server (log) about the task.

    Hope this helps.

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