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I'm interested to find out least IOPS activity for guest in a cluster over a period of 4 weeks or 6 weeks

I'm interested to find out least IOPS activity for guest in a cluster over a period of 4 weeks or 6 weeks so that I can move them from DAS to SAN. I'm using Forglight for Virtualization Enterprise Edition Version 8.5.

Version 8.
  • Hi Amujah,


    Under VMware Environment/Datastores you should be able to select the datastore where the VM is located. Then hit Explore.

    Once there, you will see this dashboard. Select the desired time range and the IOPS displayed (see image below) will represent the average IOPs for that VM for the selected time period. 



    I hope this helps,


  • Hi Amujah,


    Under VMware Environment/Datastores you should be able to select the datastore where the VM is located. Then hit Explore.

    Once there, you will see this dashboard. Select the desired time range and the IOPS displayed (see image below) will represent the average IOPs for that VM for the selected time period. 



    I hope this helps,


No Data