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Backup and Restore To New Server

I am currently running Foglight VEE v8.5.  It has been a server that has been upgraded from some early version to where it sits now at v8.5.

I would like to get a new clean v8.6 appliance setup and then migrate the backup over to the new v8.6 appliance.  Just wondering on the steps.  I am guessing I should probably just do the upgrade to v8.6 first, then back it up and then restore it over to the new appliance?  Will that work just fine?

  • Hi Sean,

    If your current FVE 8.5 database is PostgreSQL and the OS is Linux, you should be able to upgrade it to 8.6, then follow this procedure: KB-56684. Please read all the use cases that apply to you, e.g. FglAMs need to be pointed to the new FMS or IP changes are necessary. That procedure does not explain how to backup and restore a PostgreSQL database, but that procedure should be standard.

    I would suggest you make a backup of the FMS appliance before making changes to it and restore the database backup to the DBS (database) appliance.
    Make sure you edit your server.config file and point to the appliance internal IP.
    I would shutdown the original FMS during this process, just in case the new FMS tries to connect to the database.

    It is important you keep the appliance as close to the original as possible, that will ensure the appliance is supported. FMS path, server.config (including Xmx, Xms values) files and automated startup script.  The appliance has an rc script in /etc/rc.d that starts FMS service  with the foglight user, so you want to make sure it works as designed.

    I hope this helps.


  • Hi Sean,

    If your current FVE 8.5 database is PostgreSQL and the OS is Linux, you should be able to upgrade it to 8.6, then follow this procedure: KB-56684. Please read all the use cases that apply to you, e.g. FglAMs need to be pointed to the new FMS or IP changes are necessary. That procedure does not explain how to backup and restore a PostgreSQL database, but that procedure should be standard.

    I would suggest you make a backup of the FMS appliance before making changes to it and restore the database backup to the DBS (database) appliance.
    Make sure you edit your server.config file and point to the appliance internal IP.
    I would shutdown the original FMS during this process, just in case the new FMS tries to connect to the database.

    It is important you keep the appliance as close to the original as possible, that will ensure the appliance is supported. FMS path, server.config (including Xmx, Xms values) files and automated startup script.  The appliance has an rc script in /etc/rc.d that starts FMS service  with the foglight user, so you want to make sure it works as designed.

    I hope this helps.


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