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Raise an alert when the uptime of SQL DB instance falls behind a threshold



I would like to raise an alert when the uptime of a SQL db instance falls behind a threshold. I know we have an instance availability rule. But I think we can miss some alerts if the instance goes offline and comes back online within the polling interval. Is there a metric which can give this uptime info?

I found #db_up_time# metric in foglight, but not sure if its the correct metric for this requirement.




  • Thanks for the response John. My confusion is that, the default usability collection interval is 5 min, so how will be foglight calculating what was the active portion in that 5 minute?
  • Thanks for the response John. My confusion is that, the default usability collection interval is 5 min, so how will be foglight calculating what was the active portion in that 5 minute?
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